The products below are free to use. Please cite appropriately and be aware of the disclaimer and terms of use. Some data are preliminary and may not be suited to your needs.

productmodelregionresolutiontime periodassimilation windowcitationtechnical documents

Southern Ocean State Estimate (SOSE) and
biogeochemical Southern Ocean State Estimate (b-SOSE)

(in production)
MITgcm + BLING30S to 78S1/6 degree, 52 levels2013-20175 years
b-SOSEMITgcm + BLING30S to 78S1/3 degree, 52 levels2008-20125 yearsVerdy and Mazloff, 2017validation
SOSEMITgcm30S to 78S1/6 degree, 42 levels2005-20106 yearsMazloff et al, 2010Climate Data Guide entry

California Current System State Estimate (CASE)

CASE-STSEMITgcm28N to 40N, 130W to 114W1/16 degree, 72 levelsJan 2007-Jun 20173 monthsZaba et al, 2018CCS upwelling indices
CASEMITgcm + BLING28N to 40N, 130W to 114W1/16 degree, 72 levels2007-20104 yearsdoi:10.5067/ G854SWM56S7H

Verdy et al, 2014

Tropical Pacific Ocean State Estimate (TPOSE)

TPOSEMITgcm26S to 30N, 104E to 68W1/3 degree, 51 levels2010-20144 monthsVerdy et al, 2017

Gulf of Mexico State Estimate (GoM)

GoM-STSEMITgcm8.5N to 31N, 262E to 287.5E5-10 km, 80 levels20102 monthsGopalakrishnan et al, 2013(a)

Gopalakrishnan et al, 2013(b)
GoM forward model solutionMITgcm8.5N to 31N, 262E to 287.5E5-10 km, 80 levels2009-2016

Northwest Pacific State Estimate (NWPac)

NWPac-STSEMITgcm15S to 27N, 115E to 170E1/6 degree, 50 levels2009-20174 months
NWPac-STSE TomoMITgcm15S to 27N, 115E to 170E1/6 degree, 50 levelsApr 2010-Apr 20112 months