California State Estimation / Reanalysis

A general circulation model, the MITgcm, is least squares fit to all available ocean observations in the region of the California Current System (CCS). This is accomplished iteratively through the adjoint method. The result is a physically realistic estimate of the ocean state. Both short-term and long-term state estimates are produced.

Short-term State Estimation (CASE-STSE)

CASE-STSE assimilates available observations within an assimilation window of one to three months and produces analysis and 30-day forecasts of the ocean state. The observations used include Spray glider profiles, High-Resolution XBT profiles, Argo profiles, and satellite SSH and SST. The monthly state estimates are initialized from HYCOM/NCODA global analysis and the initial conditions, atmospheric forcing, and lateral open boundary conditions are adjusted to improve the model match to the observations in a free forward run. To test the state estimates, model forecasts are initialized from each the end of each monthly state estimate and use climatological forcings and boundary conditions.

CASE-STSE is being produced by Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, and the results are available from Jan 2011 through Jun 2016. This work is funded by the Climate Observations and Monitoring Program, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce.


Download: CASE STSE Solutions
CCS Upwelling Indices from CASE STSE


The model domain extends from 28N to 40N and from 130W to 114W. It has a 1/16-degree horizontal resolution (~7km) and 72 vertical levels.


Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, Bruce Cornuelle

Long-term State Estimation (CASE-LTSE)

A coupled physical-biogeochemical state estimate was developed for the NASA Carbon Monitoring System (CMS).


Download: Biogeochemical state estimate 2007-2010


If using this product, please cite "Ariane Verdy (2017), Ocean Biogeochemistry in the California Current System 2007-2010 L4 Monthly, Greenbelt, MD, USA, Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC), Accessed [Data Access Date], doi:10.5067/G854SWM56S7H"


The model domain extends from 28N to 40N and from 130W to 114W. It has a 1/16-degree horizontal resolution (~7km) and 72 vertical levels.


Matthew Mazloff, Ariane Verdy